Animal Control Services for the Town of Ault are provided by the Ault Police Department. Ault Municipal Code allows three dogs or cats or combination thereof. Vaccinations and a yearly Town license is required for each pet that you have.
Animals at large will be taken to the Eaton Animal Den. There will be a boarding fee and impound fee when you go to claim your animal.
Animal License Fees
A new license must be purchased each year, for each dog or cat. Late fees will apply after January 31. In order to purchase a license for your dog or cat, you will need to bring in a “Certificate of Vaccination” issued by a licensed veterinarian certifying that the dog or cat has been vaccinated for rabies and proof the dog or cat has been neutered or spayed.
$5.00 for each dog or cat which has been neutered or spayed.
$20.00 for each dog or cat which has not been neutered or spayed.
Animal tags need to be purchased before January 31, for the above fees.
If you purchase animal tags after the 31, fees are as follows:
$10.00 for each dog or cat which has been neutered or spayed.
$25.00 for each dog or cat which has not been neutered or spayed.
In the event a tag has been lost or destroyed, a new or duplicate tag may purchased for a fee of $1.00.
NO dog shall be permitted within any park in the Town nor shall any dog be permitted within the Town cemetery, whether on a leash or not, except for service dogs, government owned dogs.
The license period shall be from January 1 of the year to December 31 of the same year.