
Business & Sales Tax Licenses

According to Ordinance 468 § 5.04.050 and 3.04.050, all businesses selling goods or providing services from business establishments within the boundaries of the Town shall obtain a Business License, and/or a Sales Tax License for those without establishments within the boundaries of the Town of Ault, but still providing services or goods within the Town boundaries, from the Town Clerk within the first thirty days of each calendar year. The licenses will be in force and effective until the thirty first day of December of the year in which it is issued, unless sooner revoked.

Election FAQs

Ault Town Municipal Elections are held the first Tuesday of April in even numbered years. You must be a registered voter who is a resident of the Town of Ault to vote in the election. Those who wish to run for an office must be a registered elector who has resided in the Town for 12 consecutive months immediately prior to the date of the election.

Who should I contact with further questions?

For further information contact the Town Clerk’s Office at (970) 834-2844.

Planning Commission

The Planning Commission meets at Town Hall at 6:00 pm on the first Wednesday of each month.

All members of the Planning Commission shall be residents of the Town of Ault, if any member ceases to reside in the Town of Ault, his membership on the Planning Commission shall automatically terminate.

All members of the Planning Commission shall serve without compensation and the Commissioners shall hold no other municipal office.

All members of the Planning Commission shall be appointed by the Mayor from non-members of the Board of Trustees.

Chicken Permits

Application and Planning Materials

Fill out an Online Application


6.04.340           Chicken regulations.  Notwithstanding any ordinance of the Town of Ault or any provision in the Code of the Town of Ault to the contrary, the keeping of chickens shall be permitted in the R-1 District, the R‑2 District, and the MH district when such activity is conducted in accordance with the following restrictions:

Animal Licenses

You may apply for an animal license at Town Hall by filling out the application. If you have any questions, feel free to call us at 970-834-2844 or by email at


$5.00 for each dog or cat which has been neutered or spayed.
$20.00 for each dog or cat which has not be neutered or spayed.

Animal tags need to be purchased before January 31, for the above fees.
If you purchase animal tags after the 31, fees are as follows:

History of Ault

During the mid to late 1800s, the Trappers’ Trail was located north of Forts Lupton, St. Vrain, and Vasquez but south of Fort Laramie. In addition to trappers, other groups utilized the trail such as miners, settlers, and soldiers. Settlers utilized the adjacent grasslands for farming and ranching. By 1870, there were enough people in the area to attract the Water Supply and Storage Company who provided a critical water supply via ditch system to potato and sugar beet farmers.

Court & Fine Payments

Payment may be made by check (made out to Town of Ault), or money order (made out to Town of Ault), whether mailed in or in person.

We do accept cash, if you're able to come in to Town Hall in person. 

We are pleased to announce we are once again able to accept credit or debit card payments in person. We cannot take them over the phone, but card payments are possible when you're here in the office.