Attention All Ault Renters and Landlords:

As per Ault Town Ordinance 13.04.045 F.1: "Water usage is billed to the property owner or property manager of a service address, at the end of a billing period," we will no longer be putting accounts in the names of the rental tenants. All landlords and property management companies will hold the full and sole responsibility for ensuring that the town utility bill, to include water, sewer, trash, and street maintenance fee, is paid each month, in full, by the 25th of the month. We will not be sending utility bills to renters in any form.

Ault Town Board Elections Canceled

Please note that our 2024 Town Board Election has been canceled, as per section 1. 06. 020 Election May Be Canceled When of the Ault Municipal Code (please see below). We have three qualified applicants, and three available Board seats. Those three applicants will be sworn in at the Wednesday, April 10th, Town Board Meeting, at 7:00 pm. 

1. 06. 020. Election May Be Canceled When