All parks and their structures are on a first come, first served basis. Thank you.
Public Works
Ault Public Works Department takes pride in the upkeep of the Town. The Town’s goal is to provide good preventative maintenance to the Town’s assets, as well as quick, but safe and reliable responses to the unforeseen needs of the Town. The Public Works Department is responsible for maintenance and repair of the Towns water, sewer, streets, parks, and cemetery.
In case of an emergency in regards to water, sewer, streets, or the cemetery:
Monday thru Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. please contact Town Hall @ 970-834-2844
Home-Based Business Licenses
A Home-Based Business is an accessory use of a dwelling unit, conducted entirely within the dwelling unit, carried on by one or more persons, all of whom reside within the dwelling unit and where no persons are employed other than resident and domestic help.
External Resources
Website | Phone | |
Weld County Government | | |
Northern Plains Public Library | | |
Weld RE-9 School District | | |
Pawnee National Grasslands |
The Town of Ault Cemetery is located at the end of North 3rd Avenue. Application for a purchase of interment rights to a lot must be made through the Town Clerk’s office.
Utilities Fees Schedules
Town of Ault Utility Rates Effective January 2024
Residential Water Service